in a pathetis attempt to stay awake ,
i've taken 3 baths and a shower within a 2hr time span*my skin is this close to peeling.
fel is now stumped out on my couch,failing to heed any of my wake up calls.'tsk'
and she has yet to take a shower.
i officially declare saturdays my current "happyhighday"..
and tonight made no exception.
did have a tad to much,
which explains my constant zoning and ludicrous conversations .
the alcohol still lingers in my breath
and my 4am bak ku teh continues to churn in my stomach.argh.
amazingly despite my hurling tendencies, i'm actually starting to get the munchies,
so i might just go make myself a dozen instant escargot and a plate of salmon sashimi*grins*
it shows 7am
.a two minute smoke break
.an hour of the oc
.another hour spent trying to wake lil' ms deep*sleep up
.additional thirty minutes convincing her to take a shower
which leaves me with exactly 28 mins of stoning before i start getting ready for church.
what i would give now,for a "happyhigh' refill.bleah =P