when you mix a bunch of very bored girls together,
throw them in a even more boring situation with nothing left to bitch about,
you get "The threesome and the fcukfeesticks".
*Fcukfeesticks:starfcuk coffee+pick'up sticks
Yes,be enlightened on how this brilliant yet brainless shit of an idea came about.
once upon a time,in a land far away, in the heart of starfcuksterdam,
princess nadia from suadi arabia,empress sarah from sinchiapore and lady janna from godknowswhere,
set down for a cup of tea.
After engaging in many political-(in which i mean mindless and outrageously stupid) corresponding,
they started to feel restless thus,lady janna decided to act like a walrus and tried to pick up a straw with her "tasks"(2 very thin straws,up her mouth)
amused by her retardedly sparsticated act , they cheer her on giving her more "creative ideas".
alas, after many failed attempts, lady janna topples the the empty cup.
In between what seem like nonsensical talks and constant stoning, princess nadia,by some strange enlightenment,brings up the "pickupsticks game" idea and so with the help of empress sarah and lady janna..
TA DA....
behold, the "fcukfeesticks".
and they played happily ever after.( for like 3 games cos darn nadia kept wining, >_<)
the End
Call me lame,retarded,plain stupiscated and everything 'blah' you can think of...but HEY! with the right company,
i swear, its a shitload of fun. weet! ^_^
Ok, happy thoughts aside,I FAILED CRITICAL STUDIES..by like 2%.fcuks.
and i'm assuming i won't fair too well for the rest either.
Argh!!Help me god!! i think i'm hyperventilating.
.oh i'm so dreading tomorrow.
*note: those damn photos for cathay cine website is up. ilooklikeapeacock.