Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Kill a religion
the weather is cold,the feelings are old.
amidst the breeze,there it drifted..
her soul.
once again from black and white,I've shifted to grey.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
midwest skies
in the light of day, i'll come clean.
it'll be ice lemon tea,
it'll be 855 bus rides
it'll be 10 dollar cab fares
it'll be you and me.

Sunday, July 23, 2006
In code
Distance, we underestimate its worth.
it makes or sink "ships",
it makes the heart grow fonder or it causes a rift.
many choose to walk away and few take a step closer
in fear of putting our hearts out.
Thus, we fail to achieve that new level of intimacy.
is there a fine line between giving space and
just simply coming off as disconnected?
maybe it doesn't really matter and over analysis only makes room for further
doubt and uncertainties.

"tracks on the pavement,hearts in the basement"
Friday, July 21, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
No shame and no regrets
lately I've been floating the idea of taking up my parents offer
for overseas Studies
no concrete destination but it wouldn't really matter.
think,new history in the making,
far from past temptations.
I feel its necessary
Sunday, July 16, 2006
At my junction

You make new discoveries about yourself
every now and then,
or at least..
You're faced with that sudden slap of reality.
SMACK!Abruptly It all dons upon you.
And so the inevitable question surfaces..Why now?
when you had every chance to steer over and switch paths.
it isn't that its too late but..
life could have been a tad less complicated.
what is it with me and treading in farmilar waters,
when I've always talked about hitting the wave pool.
"and we'll do the merry-go-round"
Spin the wheel

a connection between reality and fantasy.
dreams,an obscure form of mind interpretation.
a way to release your inhibitions,
a sneak preview of the near future..
or could it just be senseless imaginations playing on our emotions.
The dreams lately seem to evolve themselves into sequels..
night after night..They play in my mind like episodes of a serial drama,
vivid and uncanny to many previous situations.
which leads me to yet another wringer..
have you felt like there was that one reaccuring person..
a total stranger
yet somehow he offers you that immense sense of
farmilarity and sercurity .
I choose to believe it was all just intense mindplay,
however..A tinge of me deems it to mean something more.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
All for one and none for her

A grave mistake maybe?
Did I follow the weakness of my heart
the lingering immaturity shelved within?
either way,it was an itch we should have never scratched.
a raging battle between the heart and the head,
where truth and lies collide..
proving fatal.
my trump card situation varies,yet deep down
I've chosen the losing battle.