Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
lady luck
cause when i awoke..
there it was,standing in full glory,
chilled and 1.5l worth of euphoria.
As plans fell apart.
i was prepared for another fruitless night.
but it was laddies night i figured i shouldnt punish the fact that
i was all dolled up.
so, i took a chance and headed over to mos.
thereafter it all came fitting back into place.
yes,yes,we were mildly intoxicated but massively infoxycated ;)
doubles,old faces,past friends ,7 strikes and
sweetsweet lady luck .
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Sit me down

they are the slightest yet most valuable.
you learn that its an inheritance,worth infinite.
evaluate yourself,
and I'm soso far from being the woman I intend to be.
faulty and unpolished..
falling apart.
write me out of your all utopian faculty..
you learn that its an inheritance,worth infinite.
evaluate yourself,
and I'm soso far from being the woman I intend to be.
faulty and unpolished..
falling apart.
write me out of your all utopian faculty..
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
i concecrate to you my entire life,
the wit i pocess,
the faculties,the physical
and all moral forces...
in exchange for this.
so insufficient yet so precious.
happy valentines,wankyboo.
Monday, February 13, 2006
pricey pugs

a comercial scam or an honour to love.
whats your take ?
the burnt hole in your pockets,the over priced meals,the massive couple crowd
or is it the sweet romances ,the butterfly kisses and the beautiful memories ?
as i reasoned with myself ..on how ridiculous it is for me to break the the moneypot,
i figured..its a fair exchange for the perfect romance.
even if it means downsizing another dress size,
or a major substance reduction of my greeny greens.
love's onehellofabitch.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Twisted suicide

redemption and its eating her inside out.
guilt stricken, will these demons come undone?
a call before , I pondered my outfit for the day..
and as sudden as it came..
struck down with a conscience..
I realise that all we have
all i live for..
Life's fragility,
could be taken..Snatched in an instance.
what is life,Without death?
what is love, without heartbreak..
what is joy without sorrow?
tell me,
do I only love to love you?
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Gold digger

As foreseen a weekend indulging in the lucid pleasure of alcohol..Birthday surprises and clubbamanias.
all jam packed and depriving me of any time to update, let alone upload
the photos..And I have atoo amany ;(
its back to work after this well deserved break
and "ang pao" season's dreadfully stalling to a stop.
but that aint gonna dampen my remaining festive mood
cos those pretty red packets still come my way.
unfortunately,money collected will go
straight to my savings.boohoo!!
though i reckon I'll be close to a millionaire when I achieve
full access to the account.
ha! Now talk about friends with benefits ;)