Monday, November 21, 2005

Movie censor'shit'

Maybe its me,
but for all my weightless advice, I enjoy tormenting myself by lounging right smack infront of the TV,drowning myself in endless romantic comedies/movies,
accompanied with boxes of tissue and tubs of ice cream.typical.

in between,I source out all their faults in the relationship.
and smirk to myself on how it would never even work out.
cause when it comes to me, with the countless loopholes and cracks.
I'm oblivious.
however despite my neurotic mindset, my still heart leaps everytime theres a happy ending;
where they kiss in the rain and exchange' i love yous'.god, i'm like so mellow drama.
you know what?
for all the heartbreak and trashed expectations; i blame these so called "light hearted"movies.
why, you may ask.
i present to you, my case.
love's never as it is portrayed in the movies.
love at first sight?
seriously,who the hell in this age or time would believe that.
probably,just the untainted mindsets of the pre teens.
and soon in time they'll grow to realise, its just a myth.
ta da..Heartbreak no.1
alright then there is the whole guy romances girl with dinners and such,they fall in love ,throw in a lil steamy love making..then happily ever after episode.
purlease..there's alot more to it then extravagant spending.
so she comes to understand that it ain't always a bed of roses.
Of cos there's always the perfect scenarios and fairytale-like endings.
relationships never or at least rarely end sweet.
you don't always end up with your first love.And READ this,
love is never perfect.
heartbreak no.3
don't you see, all these illusions of love we try or at least fantasize bout.
somehow in hope that ours would turn out exactly the way it did in "emma & alex' or
"50 first dates"
get this straight ,this is reality not fantasy.

frankly speaking ,i'm always impartial,and never certain.. .
maybe i analyze
sue me.
my blog ,my opinion.
i guess a girl's entitle to her senseless self once in a while.
so for all my bittersweet emotions and current unfulfilled desires,
lets drink to self contradiction.cheers
.almost there.


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