Gulible's travel
Over the weekend:
we made a trip pass the causeway.
Day 1

welcome to Malaysia
a diedie must buy : Gum
As a kid,
i remember constantly popping
both chewing and bubble gum
cause i had this logic that it would blow a bigger bubble .
it was proven wrong of cos,but
honestly..I'll still stick by it.
*sigh*childhood seems so much more endearing.
match the thoughts:
a.Wah!! so chio ar
b.FEED ME !!
d.See my hat!!i heart :D
So off to feed we did..
..and it was a feast indeed.

we were starving ,so we asked how long the food would take.
and they told us 40 mins..
but somehow they came in 20.
so jonnny reasoned that cause
of the exchange rate..their timing has to be divided by 2.25 as well :)
i say its pretty darn accurate.
On the way to the movies,i stopped for a lil old skool.
well,it does the cartoon no justice.
almost worth the price though.
he clearly didn't enjoy the movie either .
we didn't plan on staying the night,
but still managed to locate a decent enough hotel
to accommodate us 5 wanderers.
Tada:Tropical Hotel
indulging in some hotel madness
for just 13 sng dollars each.

oh why i lovelovelove the exchange rate.
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